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Inevitably, everyone has a dream that is destroyed by a sudden injury or illness. In my case, I got into an accident that left me with a shattered ankle and three broken vertebrae. Suddenly, my goal of being a sportswriter suddenly became unimaginable. I didn't have to rely on the kindness of strangers to keep me going anymore, because all of my dreams were now in jeopardy.That said, something positive came out of the situation: an opportunity for me to try something new and take advantage of my situation as an entrepreneur. My goal is to take any person who has lost their dreams and failures and turn them into the next millionaire. This has been the case for me and hundreds of others who have recovered from accidents and gone on to start their own businesses.Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking. It allows you to rethink your life so it becomes more purposeful. Entrepreneurs are able to look at what they were relying on before, and they adjust accordingly. Success doesn't depend upon circumstances or circumstances themselves. It comes down to the mindset of the entrepreneur who looks at opportunities in a new way, sees himself as someone else, and changes his behavior accordingly in order to create a different environment for himself that will give him success in his new endeavors. I would like to share with you my ten keys to success as an entrepreneur:1. Treat Failure as an OpportunityRemember that there is something constructive about failure. It may look like a dark void, but it's important to see the good in failures because those who do survive and become stronger and more successful than they were before the failure happened. There is nothing wrong with failure because it allows you to rethink your life and take things in a different direction so you aren't so focused on the failure itself.2. Be Persistent but FlexibleNo matter what happens, always remember that persistence and flexibility are vital parts of entrepreneurship. When you hear others criticize and moan about how much work is involved in entrepreneurship, you shouldn't listen to them because by the time they realize the truth, it will be too late for them. Stay persistent, and be flexible when it comes to your goals.3. Have a Big VisionBe willing to dream big and take action in order to achieve your goals. Don't limit yourself by thinking small because the only way you're going to fail is if you think small. The bigger your vision, the better your chances of success will be since it gives you something powerful and exciting that keeps you focused on what your goal is.4. Be GratefulAlways be mindful of what you have, and be grateful for the people in your life who have helped you along the way. I am thankful for my grandfather for putting me in martial arts when I was young, because it has allowed me to think about my actions in life in a different way. I also give thanks to my wife who stuck with me through everything that happened to me after my accident. She is an inspiration to many people I know, and she reminds me that anything is possible when you're able to work hard enough.5. Make Sure You're Focused on Your Ideal CustomerA key part of entrepreneurship is being focused on your ideal customer.


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